Love at first sight...

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

this world is very complicated

this world is very complicated...there is many people which is very good outside but have a evil heart.. that is why owes have my own principle and i always tell my friend that

" Do not trust or believe what you hear, believe what you see but not 100%. What you see can be something that people purposly do and let you see so that you will believe something.SO SEE,THINK and ANALYSE.. weather the thing u see is true or fake "


Anonymous said...

Sounds sophisticated o professor! Haha.. I dun look good outside n i have a evil heart.. Hw?XP

Anonymous said...

Many people says, what's lies the inside will show in the outside.

Well, why looking for people's errors? while there were many errors and evils within us.

How do you know that they were not suffering from their evil heart? Many good people are suffering form this. don't you suffer from yours? i believe everyone has a good side and a bad side of us we all have to fight for.

Unless some people were not noticed or totally unaware of their action. You may try to tell them what you think about them, they may change or they may be noticed of their wrong action.

Have you ever done mistake at all? Have you ever feel something evil that lies in you? If you have not feeling these evil energies, then you are very lucky, you should be thankful and learn to accept others misfortune. living with these evils energy is not an easy task.

Magician, by your words, i can say that you have a tremble heart, you may have been fooled by others. known that as human, we all had been, our brain weren't mature enough to stay away from trouble.

notice that these kind of people needs your help.

please don't discriminate them.

Alot of time people changed from evil to good, and sometime from good to evil. It's all depend on how you view the misfortune things happen to you.